Homeworkify Explained: Features, Legalities and Ethical Use
In an era where technology and education intertwine more than ever, students are constantly seeking tools that can enhance their learning experience. Enter Homeworkify – a digital platform that promises to simplify the study process and make homework feel less like a burden. With its sleek interface and array of features designed for academic support, […]
Nailing Social Media and Influencer Marketing 101
According to studies, the spend on influencer marketing is expected to reach $5-$10 billion by the year 2020. The figures are huge and they indicate just how influencer marketing along with social media marketing has grown substantially over the years. Being a social media marketer myself, I would love to introduce the aspiring marketers with […]
10 Apps to Help You Find Your Zen (Relax)
The world today is moving at a much faster pace than ever before. While that’s terrific for growth and furthering humanity, it also causes a lot of stress. There is always something to worry about. Days feel like they are running shorter, so rent is always just around the corner. And the bills! Things weren’t […]