What is 5G Technology
There is no doubt that one of the most important features within the fifth-generation platform of the mobile communications standard resides in the fact that 5G will use multiple inputs and multiple output technology, also known as MIMO, which basically makes use of a set of small antennas that allow each data flow to be […]
How much does Google know about you?
Since Google started more than 20 years ago, it has gradually become a giant sponge of Internet information today. Almost all of us use some Google service, be it your search engine, your email service ( Gmail ), your map service ( Google Maps ), your web browser ( Google Chrome ), your cloud storage […]
Major US Firms Looking for Internet Of Things (IoT)
Major US Firms are Looking for Internet Of Things. The Internet of Things (or simply IoT), in fact, combines industrial devices, vehicles and a variety of consumer and household goods, which allows for advanced monitoring, analytics and much more. In consumer-level products and industrial equipment, you can now integrate tools for data processing or interaction […]