Image Search: More than ten percent of all internet traffic comes from the image results of Google. You are missing out on that traffic if you are not using images and ranking them in Search Engine Result Pages. We are so focused on ranking for “All” results that we forget there are also other sections, including “Images”.

You will always need the help of a link building company to rank; however, you also must follow these practices for even backlinks to work.
Make Images Responsive
Image Search: Just like your website design, images used in the article should also be responsive according to the user’s device. Use “srcset” attribute of HTML to set the size of each image for different screens.

Create Your Own Images
Most people find free images online and use them on their websites. It’s not difficult for Google to see that the image is not your own creation. Unique content is the foundation for every SEO practice. Create your own images if you want them to rank.
Infographics Rather than Decorative Images
Don’t expect much results from decorative images, although they are also helpful. Internet users don’t like decorative images that don’t offer any value. Create infographics to rank easily, provide value to the user, and build linkable assets.
Properly Rename the Image
Google ranks content that it understands. Make your images easy to understand by appropriately renaming them. The name “IMG_38474” doesn’t tell us anything about the image.
Always Add the “Alt Text”
Alt Text appears when image fails to load for some reason. It tries to convey the same message as the image. It’s one of the foundations of SEO for images.
Compress Image Size
Make the size of images as small as possible before uploading them; otherwise, they will make your page heavier and mostly fail to load. That said, you must not compromise the quality of the image. If you wanna find a similar image then use this tool: searchbyimage