7 Excellent Ways Web Design and SEO Work Together

web design and seo

Are you planning to design your website? We recommend that you must give simultaneous priority to SEO. Web design and SEO complement each other when it concerns offering your pages good ranking in Google search engine. Thus, when you design your website, SEO has to be done together with it. 

You may be curious to know why we ask you to consider website designing and SEO together. We have compiled and shared seven excellent benefits for you. 

1. Greater traffic generation on your website

As you are spending money on designing a great website, you would want to boost your business. So, you will undoubtedly want your target audience to come to it and make active interactions. 

SEO services exactly do this work of improving the traffic inflow of your website. Search engine optimization means placing the most searched and most relevant keywords in your web content. 

So, whenever your target audience enters a keyword search in Google, the search engine shall direct them to your website. You will get more organic traffic as a result of this. 

2. Better content and lesser bouncer rates 

Opting for SEO service simultaneous with website designing service indicates that you are spending more time on the website’s quality. 

In precise terms, it means your website’s content will now be meaningful, relevant, and accurately curated for meeting the target audience’s needs. There will be no fluff n your contents or unnecessary hyperlinks too. 

Your audience will now spend more time on your webpages. Eventually, there will be a decrease in bounce rates. 

3. Better page rankings

If you want to stay above your competitors and grab your audience’s attention faster than them, the pages on your website need to rank well. 

You can only do this when you opt for an SEO service on your website. As you already know, SEO means accurate keyword placement in your content. 

SEO also means putting these keywords in the right frequencies, and at the right places in your content precisely how Google wants it. So, there will neither be an excess of keywords in the contents nor less than what is needed. 

The right numbers of keywords in your content also mean that your website will not get penalized by Google or considered spam. It also means that your pages will not miss traffic attention as well. Instead, the webpages will get better ranking in Google.

4. Enhanced customer trust

It is a part of the SEO service to regularly keep your website’s pages active by posting relevant content for your target audience. 

When you have an active website, it also gives your target audience a feeling that your business is authentic and dependable. This strategy will work towards increasing trust in your business.

Perhaps, it does not need mentioning now that when you have customers who trust you, it adds to your business benefits and gives you a competitive edge.

5. Increase in your website’s speed

Your website’s speed has a lot to do with your website’s ranking. If this speed is low, your webpages will never rank well. Therefore, they will never appear among the priority list of popular search engines.  

This scenario will completely change when you go for SEO for your website. SEO services will optimize your website’s images and contents and remove unnecessary plugins. There will be an enhancement in the browser caching too. The result of these technical steps will be increased website speed. 

6. Meaningful sitemaps

The sitemap is of immense importance for any search engine. It gives some guidance to the search engines on the pages on your website and its contents. In a nutshell, a sitemap determines how your web pages will crawl.

A good sitemap means your website’s internal linking structure will be meaningful for your users and the search engine. The anchor text must be planned accurately and placed correctly to link well with your website’s other content and does not leave any dead ends for your audience. 

If you go for web design and SEO simultaneously, all these technicalities can be appropriately handled. 

7. Mobile-friendly interface

Presently, making your website mobile friendly is an essential mandate. For your further information, Google announced in 2015 that mobile-friendliness would be a vital ranking factor for the websites.  

After that, in 2017, Google also introduced mobile-first indexing. It means your web pages will only rank well if you develop a mobile-friendly interface, which can only be done when you opt for Web Design and SEO service for your website. 


Website designing and SEO service must go hand-in-hand when giving your web pages the right business boost. Hence, you must consider both the services simultaneously when you need your webpages to rank high in Google and generate more organic traffic with minimal bouncers.

According to a leading Web Design Company in Dubai, it is important to have an eye-catching design of your brand website. This will allow users to spend a bit more time, engaging with the website. This in turn, reduces bounce rates and shows search engines, that users are spending time and interacting with the website. This will help boost SEO scores, promote better rankings and improve search visibility.

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Karen is a Business Tech Analyst. She is very responsible towards her job. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends and colleagues.
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