Importance of SEO for Business

For a company, it is essential to be able to take off activity and establish itself against its competitors. Improving the positioning of a website on search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing involves the implementation of an effective SEO strategy adapted to the nature of his online professional activity. What is SEO? What are the […]

Visual Storytelling: How to Show in Pictures What Should be Said in Words?

Introduction Visual Storytelling: The most common type of communication is verbal conversation. For communication, we use language knowledge and secondary attributes: tone, loudness, body and sign language. This helps us not only to accent correctly but also to add emotional value to the narration. This is a powerful way to convey narratives and evoke emotions […]

How to Start a Blog in 2020 – Beginner’s Guide

Start a Blog: Blogging for beginners can be exciting, however it will demand some experience and knowledge to details. Thinking that people are going to read your blog posts increases the responsibility to share interesting and relevant information, simultaneously providing great reading experience for them. Due to a number of tools and techniques, start a […]

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